7 factors that determine the correct height of the stoma and song product.

Our range of Corsinel stoma and diaphragm maximum support underwear, belts and tubes cover a range of heights and we are often asked which height to use. Here are our recommendations. For the right height, it is recommended to consider the seven factors listed below.

1. Songa location

The location of the songa plays an important role in recommending the height. In principle, the song can be located anywhere on the stomach. If the song is located in the upper part of the abdomen, the low linen may not cover the song sufficiently. In this case, a high level of product is needed. However, if the song is located in the lower part of the abdomen, a low product can cover it completely.

2. Songa size

The size of the skirt must be assessed to ensure that the height of the garment provides full coverage. If the garment does not fully cover the hips, the supportive function of the garment is partially lost and the garment may also feel uncomfortable. If low-rise underwear or a 15 or 20 cm high belt/tube does not cover the full height of the underwear, a higher product is recommended.

3. Hull height

If the torso, measured from the chest to the hips, is relatively short, low underwear, or 15 and 20 cm tubes and belts, can cover the entire body. While a high trunk and upper abdomen may be suitable for a high songa. products.

4. Shape of body – thin or chunky

As we all have different body shapes, the height recommendation also depends on the body’s individual assessment. Some people are thin, others are obese, and obesity can range from mild to severe. In addition, the distribution of adipose tissue should be considered. In some people, the fat tissue is located above the waist, around the abdomen, while in others it is located around the hips and thighs, below the waist. These body shapes are often referred to as apple- or pear-shaped.

People with apple shapes often prefer to wear clothes that cover most or all of the abdomen. If the edge of the product is located in the middle of the apple-shaped belly, it can feel very uncomfortable, cause pressure marks, and it can slide up or down.

5. Belt strength

The belt or tube must be firmly fastened for optimum support, but it must not feel like an uncomfortable, narrow band around the abdomen. If the belt or the tuba feels too tight and there is severe swelling, irritation and discomfort on the upper and lower parts of the skin, it is recommended to use a higher version and a larger number.

6. Position of the edge strips

The edge (colour) bands prevent the underwear or belt/tube from rolling and it is important that the edges fit comfortably and do not crease or cause indentations on the skin. If the belt or the tuba feels uncomfortable, a taller product or a larger size may be recommended.

7. Convenience

Regardless of the height of the product, it must be comfortable to wear. For optimum support, it must be tightly secured, of course, but it must not cause pressure marks or redness, pain or discomfort. If the product is uncomfortable to wear, it may be worth trying a different size and/or height.

Source : https://tytex.com/finding-the-right-height-of-the-ostomy-garment

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